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Butt Boy

Butt Boy

Butt Boy

Le détective, fraîchement sobre, Russell Fox, rencontre son parrain de son groupe de soutien, Chip Gutchel. Son enquête sur un enfant disparu le conduit à soupçonner Chip. Il commence à réaliser que la dépendance de Chip n'est peut-être pas à l'alcool mais à quelque chose de beaucoup plus sinistre...

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08 Aug 2021, 08:33

The Redemption of General Butt Naked

The Redemption of General Butt Naked

The Redemption of General Butt Naked

Tells the story of Joshua Milton Blahyi - aka General Butt Naked - a brutal warlord who murdered thousands during Liberia's horrific 14-year civil war. Today, the General has renounced his violent past and reinvented himself as Evangelist Joshua Milton Blahyi. This portrait takes viewers on Joshua's crusade to redeem his past, as he confronts his victims and attempts ...

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19 Apr 2019, 07:26