short à la Une sur

Running Away from the Unknown

Running Away from the Unknown

Running Away from the Unknown

Dominick was a bright young man who had just landed the role of skippy in the Toxic Avenger Movie. He was on top of the world and had his whole life in front of him,with nothing but good things in store..or so he thought. But the future and what it held all changed after the death of his parents. Driven to depression and alcoholism, Dominick gets to a point where he h...

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20 Aug 2021, 01:42

Le Dernier Combat

Le Dernier Combat

Le Dernier Combat

'The Last Bastion' follows the forgotten battle automaton, Bastion, as it unexpectedly reactivates after laying dormant in the wilderness for over a decade. Fascinated by its unfamiliar surroundings, the curious omnic begins to investigate, but quickly discovers its core combat programming may have a different directive...

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19 Apr 2019, 10:28